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Financial Updates
The State of Illinois has over 700 active funds in the State Treasury. For reporting purposes by the Office of the Comptroller, these funds are grouped into eight fund groups – general, highway, special state, bond financed, debt service, federal trust, revolving, and state trust funds. The General Funds is the largest of the State’s fund groups, and consists of the General Revenue Fund (0001), the General Revenue-Common School Special Account Fund (0005), Education Assistance Fund (0007), and Common School Fund (0412).
Traditional Budgetary Report
The Traditional Budgetary Report, published by the Illinois Comptroller on an annual basis, contains the fund name and assigned fund number, sorted by fund group and a summary of fiscal year financial activity starting on p. 29, along with other information on Illinois’ funds on a budgetary basis. To access the 2016 report, use the following link.
Daily Activity
The Comptroller’s website has daily updates of financial activity of the State’s funds on a cash basis.
Statewide - The Illinois Office of Comptroller (illinoiscomptroller.gov)
SAMS Monthly Reports
The Comptroller’s office includes on their website several reports released on a monthly basis. The SB05 Monthly Cash report, produced monthly out of the Comptroller’s SAMS accounting system, includes the monthly cash levels for all funds on a cash basis.
To access this report for State of Illinois funds, see instructions below.
- Go to SAMS Monthly Report - THe Illinois Office of Comptroller (illinoiscomptroller.gov).
- Select “SB05 – Cash” in the drop down box.
- Select the Fiscal Year and Month from available options.
- From your results, select the report for the specific fund you would like to view.
- Click on the hyperlink to download of copy of the report for viewing or for printing.
- Access specific instructions using the “More Instructions” link located at the top of this webpage.
These instructions can also be accessed by going to http://illinoiscomptroller.gov/ioc-pdf/SAMSMonthlyRpt/Instructions.pdf.